Levana School
School with a focus on holistic and motor development

📍Anniversary year 2024 📍

January 8, 2024: Visit by the SWR Symphony Orchestra

March 1, 2024 Levana Day

March 19 Concert with Anny Ogrezeanu

June 15, 2024 50th anniversary celebration

July 4, 2024 Full throttle connected concert

Levana School work class experiences vivid history lessons

As part of the open youth work program, the W1 class at Levana School, led by Sara Wessel, took part in the "Stumbling Stones" project. After appropriate preparation by their class teacher Edith Sturm, the interested pupils first visited the stumbling blocks in the city and learned about the family stories behind them with the help of photos and stories. Guided by the artist Bernadette Heeb-Klöckner, the participating pupils also actively and creatively explored the memorial stones and created a Stolperstein city map.
At a later date, class W1 met with Klaus Liewald in the synagogue in Ahrweiler, who first gave the pupils an introduction to the history of the synagogue. This was followed by a reading by contemporary witness Tamar Dreifuss. She read from her book: "The miraculous rescue of little Tamar in 1944", illustrated the selected texts with pictures and thus brought the Levana pupils closer to her childhood as a Jewess before and during the war. Tamar Dreifuss was able to convey her life story to her audience in an expressive and understandable way and answered the students' prepared interview questions in detail. After this impressive reading, the pupils had their flyers signed and took home a souvenir that will always remind them of this impressive project. (M. Meyerhoff)

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