Levana School
School with a focus on holistic and motor development

📍Anniversary year 2024 📍

January 8, 2024: Visit by the SWR Symphony Orchestra

March 1, 2024 Levana Day

March 19 Concert with Anny Ogrezeanu

June 15, 2024 50th anniversary celebration

July 4, 2024 Full throttle connected concert


Class S1g works with its own class concept, the aim of which is to focus on the
Development of the social and emotional skills of the pupils (female and male)
pupils) should be given special consideration. We believe that social-emotional learning can help to improve the quality of life and well-being of
children and adolescents with attachment disorders. In addition
we offer them tools and strategies for overcoming challenges
that promote their social integration.
To initiate consistent bonding work and build a stable relationship
the class works according to the cross-grade approach, whereby
Pupils from different levels in the same learning group
are taught. This eliminates or breaks up the level concept. In
In our mixed-ability class, pupils with different age groups learn
increased need for support in the social-emotional area.
In addition to the subjects German, math, sport, music, art, religion/ethics and cooking
the subject of social-emotional learning is taught.
The following methods and strategies are used or offered:
- Group exercises, role plays and discussions to develop practical skills.
to develop
- Mentoring programs in which older pupils act as role models and supporters for
serve younger
- Daily emotion cards and reflection discussions
- Non-violent communication
- Situation cards, resource cards for conflict resolution
- Various games and offers from the "Healing" practical manual
- SEL staircase: discuss with the pupils (where do I stand and where can I go?
I get there)
- Individual timetables
- Group decisions
- Animal-assisted pedagogy
- Methods and approaches from systemic counseling
- Target agreements with the pupils
- "Challenging behavior" is not prohibited or suppressed; it is
Alternatives sought to change these into less "disruptive" behavior
- Set up individual and class-specific rules together




social-emotional learning









Work stage work




Further subjects

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