Levana School
School with a focus on holistic and motor development

📍Anniversary year 2024 📍

January 8, 2024: Visit by the SWR Symphony Orchestra

March 1, 2024 Levana Day

March 19 Concert with Anny Ogrezeanu

June 15, 2024 50th anniversary celebration

July 4, 2024 Full throttle connected concert

Secondary level 2

Secondary level 2 begins in the 10th year of schooling as the final stage within the school years. It also generally lasts three school years, so that learners are released into the world of work after their 12th year of schooling.

During this time, the focus is on career guidance:

Preparation for the reality of life after school includes intensifying independence training in areas such as housekeeping, handling money and finding one's way around public spaces. These skills are also deepened in the "Life and Work" lessons, where - based on the interests of the learners - exercises on job application training, questions on how to manage your own bank account, important rights and duties in adolescence (youth protection, voting rights) are discussed.

Many young people deal with questions about how to deal with their own disability, which also includes thoughts about an appropriate form of housing, their own sexuality and partnership.

In addition to their families, the students are supported by other specialists during the work stage:

Cooperation with the workshop for people with disabilities, the integration service and the employment agency begins.

At an annual information evening in late fall, everyone involved can find out exactly what issues are currently on their minds and important contacts are made. At two career path conferences, all supporters come together with the learners to develop individual paths.

At least three internships are completed, including in the workshop for people with disabilities. The contact and placement of individual internships in companies in the primary labor market is also a consistent principle in the support of our students. Intensive cooperation between families and specialists is a prerequisite for success.

During the weekly workshop day, the necessary 'soft skills' such as perseverance, reliability, diligence and communication skills are trained and developed.

The teaching of cultural techniques is continued on an individual basis.

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